Brute Force Attack Software

Password Recovery Solutions

Hybrid brute force attacks are a combination of both traditional brute force attack and dictionary based attack. The idea behind a hybrid attack is that it will apply a brute force attack on the dictionary list. Using bruteforce attacks, an attacker could gain full access to the affected machine.

  • BruteForcer is a free and open source password finder software download filed under password software and made available by Misho Ivanov for Windows. The review for BruteForcer has not been completed yet, but it was tested by an editor here on a PC. A client-server multithreaded application for bruteforce cracking passwords. The more clients.
  • Brute Force Attack Prevention Techniques. There are many methods to stop or prevent brute force attacks. The most obvious is a strong password policy. Each web application or public server should enforce the use of strong passwords.
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Brute Force Attack is the most widely known password cracking method. This attack simply tries to use every possible character combination as a password. To recover a one-character password it is enough to try 26 combinations (‘a’ to ‘z’). It is guaranteed that you will find the password.. but when? How long will it take? The two-character password will require 26*26=676 combinations. The number of possible combinations (and therefore required time) grows rapidly as the length of the password increases and this method quickly becomes useless. Do you ready to wait for two months while your 9-character password is cracked? What about one hundred years for an 11-character password? Besides the maximal length of the character set you should also specify the character set i.e. the list of characters that will be included in the combinations. The longer the character set is, the longer the required period of time is. Here is the problem: usually you have no idea of what characters are present in the password. On the one hand, you should specify all possible characters. On the other hand, this can slow things down very much. Unfortunately, there are no common ways to determine what character set to use. It is more a question of luck and intuition. The only thing I can recommend is to begin with trying short passwords using the full character set. Then you can increase the length of password simultaneously decreasing the character set to keep the required time good acceptable.

If the password is case sensitive (this is the most common situation), there is another problem with the case.

There are three options:

1) you can assume that the password was typed in lower case (this is most likely). In this case, the required time will stay the same but if the password contains upper case letters it will not be recovered.

2) you can try all combinations.

The password is guaranteed to be found, but the process slows down significantly. A 7-character lower case password requires about 4 hours to be recovered but if you would like to try all combinations of upper case and lower case letters, it will require 23 days. 3) The third method is trade-off. Only the most probable combinations are taken into consideration, for example 'password', 'PASSWORD' and 'Password'. The complicated combinations like 'pAssWOrD' are not. In this particular case the process slows down to one third of original speed but there is still a possibility to fail.

You can reduce the amount of time required using faster computers (only the CPU speed is important. The amount of RAM, the performance of the hard drive and other hardware don’t affect the brute force speed), using several computers, choosing the fastest password crackers or tuning the brute force parameters wisely and accurately.

You can use our Password Calculator software to estimate the time required for Brute Force Attack.

The table below shows the time required for Brute Force Attack depending on the password length and used character set. It is assumed that the attack is carried out on a single computer and the brute force speed is 500 000 passwords per second.

Length of the password Character set
lowercase letters lowercase letters and digits Both lowercase and uppercase letters all printable ASCII characters
< = 4 instant 2 min
5 instant 2 min 12 min 4 hours
6 10 min 72 min 10 hours 18 days
7 4 hours 43 hours 23 days 4 years
8 4 days 65 days 3 years 463 years
9 4 months 6 years 178 years 44530 years
10 You should have bought a password manager! :-)

Bear in mind that the time shown above is the worst possible time. Brute Force Attack tries all password combinations and you don’t know which one of them is correct. If you’re lucky enough, the first combination will succeed. If not, the correct combination will be tried last.

If you are not afraid of formulas: the required time is equal to (C^L) / S / N, where C is the length of the character set, L is the length of the password, S is the number of password checked per second, and N is the number of computers used in password recovery.

Important Note:our software is highly optimized and most of it works faster that than our competitors’ software. Nevertheless, the amount of time required grows rapidly as the length of the password increases and that renders Brute Force Attack useless for recovering long passwords. This is the fundamental problem. Our competitors’ software is not able to recover long passwords either. Fortunately, in many cases more efficient recovery methods can be applied such as Guaranteed Recovery.

Further reading: Password Calculator

Learn more about password recovery methods here.

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The compromise of passwords is always a serious threat to the confidentiality and integrity of data. Generally, the passwords shorter than 7 characters are especially susceptible to bruteforce attack. However, a sequence of mistyped commands or incorrect login responses (with attempts to recover or reuse them) can be a signs of brute-force intrusion attempts.

Brute force attack is a process of guessing a password through various techniques. Commonly, brute force attacks are divided into three categories:

a) Traditional Brute Force

In a traditional brute force attack, you will try all the possible combinations to guess the correct password. This process is very usually time consuming; if the password is long, it will take years to brute-force. But if the password is short, it can give quick results.

b) Dictionary Attacks

In a dictionary-based brute force attack, we use a custom wordlist, which contains a list of all possible username and password combinations. It is much faster than traditional brute force attacks and is the recommended approach for penetration tests.

c) Hybrid Attacks

Hybrid brute force attacks are a combination of both traditional brute force attack and dictionary based attack. The idea behind a hybrid attack is that it will apply a brute force attack on the dictionary list.

Using bruteforce attacks, an attacker could gain full access to the affected machine. When conducting brute force attacks or password attacks, faster processing speed is beneficial. In cases where remote brute force attacks are conducted, bandwidth constraints must be addressed.

1. THC Hydra

THC hydra is one of the oldest password cracking tools developed by “The Hackers Community“. By far, Hydra has the most protocol coverage than any other password cracking tool as per our knowledge, and it is available for almost all the modern operating systems. THC Hydra can perform rapid dictionary attacks against many protocols such as Telnet, FTP, HTTP, SMB etc.

Here is the basic syntax for hydra (Linux version) to brute-force a service.

Syntax: Hydra –L administrator –P password.txt <target ip > <service>

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link –
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v8.9
  • Available for – Windows/Linux/Mac OS X/

2. Aircrack-Ng

Aircrack-ng is another most popular brute force wireless hacking tool which is further used to assess WiFi network security. Generally it focuses on different 4 areas of WiFi security i.e. Monitoring, Attacking, Testing and Cracking.

Aircrack-ng is a set of tools widely used to crack/recover WEP/WPA/ WPA2-PSK. It supports various attacks such as PTW, which can be used to decrypt WEP key with a less number of initialization vectors, and dictionary/brute force attacks, which can be used against WPA/WPA2-PSK. It includes a wide variety of tools such as packet sniffer and packet injector. The most common ones are airodump-ng, aireply-ng, and airmon-ng.

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link –
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v1.5.2
  • Available for – Linux/BSD/OS X/Windows

3. Ncrack

Ncrack is one of our favorite tool for password cracking. It is based upon nmap libraries. It comes pre-installed with Kali Linux OS. It can be combined with nmap to yield great results. The only disadvantage is that it supports very few services, namely, FTP, SSH, Telnet, FTP, POP3, SMB, RDP, and VNC.

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link –
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v0.6
  • Available for – Windows/Linux/BSD/Mac OS X

4. SAMInside

SAMInside is a security tool compatible with only Windows operating systems and allows lost passwords and locked systems to be unlocked and accessed with a complex, but easy to use system of password recovery.

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link – N.A.
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v2.7.0.1
  • Available for – Windows

5. Hashcat

Hashcat is the world’s fastest and most advanced password recovery utility, supporting 5 unique modes of attack for over 200 highly-optimized hashing algorithms. hashcat currently supports CPUs, GPUs, and other hardware accelerators on Linux, Windows, and macOS, and has facilities to help enable distributed password cracking.

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link –
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v5.1.0
  • Available for – Linux/Windows/Mac OS

6. Ophcrack

Ophcrack is a Windows-based tool that has the capability to not only dump the hashes, but also crack those hashes using rainbow tables. The ophcrack program comes with rainbow tables that work for passwords of a very short length. So if the password is lengthy, or, say, alphanumeric, you won’t be able to crack it.

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link –
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v3.8.0
  • Available for – Windows/Linux

7. Cain & Able

Cain and Abel (often abbreviated to Cain) is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Windows only. It can recover many kinds of passwords using methods such as network packet sniffing, cracking various password hashes by using methods such as dictionary attacks, brute force and cryptanalysis attacks.

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link –
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v4.9.56
  • Available for – Windows
Brute Force Attack Software

8. Rainbow Crack

Rainbow crack can not only be used to crack password hashes by using rainbow tables, but it can also help you create your own rainbow tables in case you don’t want to download them; but remember that if you are generating a large rainbow table, you should make sure that you have ample hard drive space.

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link –
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v1.7
  • Available for – Windows/Linux

9. John the Ripper

John the Ripper (JTR) is an open source password cracker; it’s one of the fastest password crackers around and is pre-installed in Kali Linux OS. It can be used to perform both bruteforce attacks and dictionary-based attacks. It also comes with a pre-installed wordlists.

Brute Force Attack Tool

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link –
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v1.8.0
  • Available for – Linux/Mac OS X/Windows/Android

10. L0phtcrack

Brute Force Attack Software For Android

L0phtCrack is a password auditing and recovery application originally produced by Mudge from L0pht Heavy Industries. It is used to test password strength and sometimes to recover lost Microsoft Windows passwords, by using dictionary, brute-force, hybrid attacks, and rainbow tables. It was one of the crackers’ tools of choice, although most use old versions because of its low price and high availability.

Free Brute Force Attack Software

  • Official Website –
  • Github Link –
  • Latest Version (As Per Dated:11 March 2019) – v7.1.1
  • Available for – Windows