Excel Manual Recalculation

This often happens with very large and complex spreadsheets. Here are some workarounds you could try: CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + F9 to recheck all formula dependencies and then recalculate all formulas. Select any blank cell, press F2 and then Enter. Re-enter =: Select cells that contain formulas you'd like to update.

The automatic calculator in Excel controls when and how formulas are recalculated.

By default, the auto recalculate Excel feature is always ON, ensuring that any formulas we enter into our worksheet gets recalculated immediately when we openour worksheet or make any changes in names or data sets on which our formulas depend.

Manual Calculation means that Excel will only recalculate when you force it to. This can be with a button press or keyboard shortcut. This can be with a button press or keyboard shortcut. You can also recalculate a single cell by editing the cell and pressing Enter. The Recalculate Range feature will only work if you disable automatic spreadsheet calculation and switch to manual mode: Open Formulas tab Click Calculation options In the drop-down list, check Manual. Now automatic calculations of the workbook are disabled. Recalculation of formulas can only be triggered manually, for example through Excel. Excel normally only calculates the minimum number of cells possible. Excel’s smart recalculation engine normally minimises calculation time by tracking changes and only recalculating. Cells, formulae, values or names that have changed or are flagged as needing recalculation.

Figure 1. Calculation Options in Excel

To use automatic calculations in Excel efficiently, there are 3 essential considerations that we need to understand;

  • Calculation – This is the procedure for computing formulas as well as displaying the resulting values in those cells that contain said formulas.

To prevent unnecessary calculations which can waste our time and reduce the speed of our computer, Microsoft Excel will recalculate formulas automatically only when the data in those cells which the formulas depend on has changed.

This is the go to behavior when we first open our worksheet and when we are editing the worksheet.However, we can regulate when and how automatic recalculation in Excel takes place.

Excel Manually Recalculate Formulas

  • Iteration – This refers to how worksheets are repeatedly recalculated until a specified numeric condition has been met.

Excel auto calculate cannot work for a formula which refers to the same cell — whether directly or indirectly — that contains our formula. This is known as a “circular reference”.

If our formula is referring back to its own cell(s), we must determine the number of times such formulas should recalculate.

Circular references are able to iterate indefinitely. Still, we can regulate the maximum amount of iterations as well as the frequency of acceptable changes.

  • Precision – This refers to the degree of accuracy of an Excel calculation.

Excel calculates and stores with 15 important digits of precision.

Yet, we can regulate the precision of these calculations to ensure that Excel makes use of the displayed values rather than the stored values whenever Excel recalculates formulas.

How to Auto Calculate in Excel

Our worksheet has calculation options that allow us to determine when and how auto calc for Excel formulas takes place.


When we first open/edit our worksheet, the auto calculator in Excel immediately recalculates any formulas whose dependent cell, or formula values have changed.

Excel manual recalculation

However, we are free to change this behavior to stop Excel calculations.

To modify Excel calculation options;

  1. On our worksheet ribbon, click on the “Formulas” tab and then. Under the “Calculation” group, click on “Calculation Options” and select any of the available options:
How to force recalculation in excel

Figure 2. of Calculation Options in Excel

“Automatic” is the default option. It instructs Excel to recalculate any dependent formulas automatically eachtime any information referenced in our worksheet cells is changed.

The “Automatic Except for Data Tables” option instructs auto calc Excel to automatically recalculate any dependent formulas excluding data tables.

Note however, that this option will turn off calculations in Excel for data tables only, meanwhile the regular Excel table will execute automatic calculations in Excel.

Enabling the “Manual” option will turn off calculations in Excel. Open worksheets will only be recalculated when we force Excel to recalculate.

How to Force Excel to Recalculate

When we open a worksheet and excel is not recalculating our imputed formulas, it most likely means that Excel auto calculate is OFF.

Excel Manual Calculation Not Working

We can either enable the automatic calculator in Excel (see figure 2. above), or force Excel to recalculate.

To recalculate manually, open our worksheet, update all data values, and then click on the “Formulas” tab > “Calculation” group, and then click on the “Calculate Now”button;

Figure 3. Calculate Now Button in Excel

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Are you someone who has been struggling with trying to manually calculate only the active worksheet in Excel? Do you have big Excel workbooks with a lot of worksheets containing calculations and formulas? When a recalculate is performed, by default, Excel calculates all open workbooks automatically when changes are made to the worksheet. Thus, you will end up wasting a lot of time on recalculations.

Worksheet and Workbook Recalculation: What You Need to Know

But don’t worry, you can overcome this problem with some simple tweaks. You must select to recalculate only the active worksheet manually. It is very important to remember that you can only calculate the active worksheet within a workbook manually in Excel. There is no direct way to manually calculate only the active workbook in Excel.

Steps to Manually Calculate Only the Active Worksheet

Step 1: Open the Excel workbook.

Step 2: Click on the File tab or the Office button on the top extreme leftmost corner.

Step 3: Click on the ’Excel Options’ button in the backstage screen.

Step 4: In the Excel options dialog box, click on the second tab called “Formulas” from the list of options displayed on the left side.

Step 5: Under Worksheet Options in the section named Calculation Options, , click on the radio button “Manual.” By doing this, you will be able to manually calculate only the active worksheet for each and every worksheet.

Step 6: Click on the OK button.

Recalculate Workbook Before Saving Check Box

As soon as you select the Manual radio button in Step 5, the “Recalculate workbook before saving” check box gets ticked automatically. If you have the habit of saving your worksheet frequently, then you can click on the option checkbox so that it is not checked (i.e. the tick is removed/turned off). This is done to avoid wasting time on recalculation every time you simply want to save your work.

Excel Manual Calculation

Automatic Except for Data Tables Option

Excel Manual Recalculation

Whenever a worksheet is recalculated, data tables will also be recalculated. Now, consider that you have plenty of data tables in your worksheet and you haven’t changed anything in all of the data tables. Even using the option to manually calculate only the active worksheet, while recalculating your workbook it is better to choose the “automatic except for data tables” option. When this option is selected, the data tables will be left out of the recalculation and everything else will be recalculated. This will save a lot of time on recalculating when you manually calculate only the active worksheet.

Excel Turn Off Manual Recalculation

Quick Way of Turning on Manual Recalculation of Worksheets

Keeping the “Recalculate Workbook before saving” check box enabled, you can choose to manually calculate only the worksheets quickly. For this, click on the Formulas tab. Now click the “Calculation Options” and choose “Manual” from the drop down menu. Now, go to the Calculation section of the Formulas tab and click on Calculate Sheet. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F9. This will recalculate the active worksheet manually.

By following the steps given above, you can manually calculate only the active worksheet in Excel.