Combining Two Photo Libraries

See full list on First of all, select the Photos library you wish to merge and then double-click for opening. Now, Go to: Photos 🡪 Preferences 🡪 General 🡪 use as System Photo Library. If the window is greyed out, it means it is already in the System Photo Library). After you combine photo libraries You’re likely to have duplicate or similar-looking pictures after you combine your photo libraries. The good news is you can use the app Gemini 2 to scan your images and quickly get rid of things like duplicate, blurry, or similar photos. But the best part is you can download Gemini 2 and try it for free!

Free Photo Libraries

Thanks for the thoughtful response. I should have given you more information.


The two libraries are both on iCloud, but are attached to two separate Apple ID's. My Apple ID has one library, my wife's Apple ID has the other. Essentially we want to combine them both into my Apple ID library. I'm hoping the answer isn't to export her entire library onto a hard drive, then import those files into my library. It's my understanding that doing so will wipe out much of the metadata such as Live Photos, faces, GPS data, etc.

Any thoughts? The main reason we want to do this is to clean up the libraries by deleting duplicates and photos we don't want. She has 40,000 photos in hers. I have 30,000 photos in mine. There is likely lots of overlap. I don't want to have to go through each library and duplicate much of the work a second time.

Combining two photo libraries free

Can I Merge Two Photo Libraries On Mac



Getty Images

Aug 23, 2018 8:01 AM