Open Ableton In Terminal

Dec 01, 2020 The Akai Network Driver will allow your MPC X or MPC Live to seamlessly communicate with and control Ableton Live. Download the Network MIDI Driver for your OS from the MPC X/Live product page. After the download completes, click the file to open the setup application. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. To run the keygen on Mac, you need a software that can run Windows-based programs on Mac – We recommend using WineBottler Right-click or Ctrl-click ‘AbletonKeyGen.exe’ and open with Wine. Choose Run directly in Copy the Hardware Code and paste it in the KeyGen.

Ubuntu is my OS of choice, for more than one reason. With one of my hardware purchases (Korg Kaossilator 2s), I got a copy of Ableton Live 9 Lite. Running Qtractor, Sequencer64, and Harrison MixBus 5 on Ubuntu, I was wondering whether it was possible to run a beautiful product like Ableton Live 9 on Ubuntu. After some fiddling around I’ve found a way to get it working. In this article, I’ll explain how you can install Ableton Live on Ubuntu.

The first thing you have to do is install WineHQ on Ubuntu. Depending on your OS (or needs) you can choose between the 32 or 64 bits version of Wine. You can install your Wine of choice by entering the following command in a terminal window:
For 64 bits: $ sudo apt install wine64
For 32 bits: $ sudo apt install wine32

After installing Wine you need to create the necessary “Windows” folders before you can continue. You can do this by entering the following command in a terminal window:
$ winecfg

Open ableton in terminal 3

By doing so you can also configure Wine to run like a specific “Windows” version (“Windows 10” worked for me).

The next things to install are the vcrun2008 and corefonts components, you can do this by using winetricks. To do this enter the following commands in a terminal window:
$ sudo apt-get install winetricks
$ winetricks vcrun2008 corefonts

When your machine is ready installing the vcrun2008 and corefonts components, you are ready to install Ableton Live. Do this by the following command in the terminal window:
$ wine msiexec.exe /i <Path & Installation MSI>

After the installation you can start Ableton from the terminal window bij the following command:
$ wine <Path and Executable of Ableton Live>

If you don’t know the <Path and Executable of Ableton Live> you might want to search in the following direction (use your file-browser and enable the “show hidden files option” as .wine is a hidden folder in your home folder):

After starting Ableton Live you need to register it, there are two ways:

Open Ableton In Terminal 3

  • If you have an internet connection you can choose to license your Ableton Live software via the internet.
  • If you are using a license-file for licensing, you need to copy it to the same folder as where you Ableton Live executable is placed. After starting Ableton you need to Drag & Drop the license file on running Ableton window.

Extra (question per mail from Ellis Grouse): You can connect the Korg nanoKontrol 2, and make it interact with Ableton Live by mapping the Korg nanoKontrol knobs to the Ableton Live functions.

Suggestionsfor improving this article are welcome, please let me know and dropme a line .

I've been writing few remote scripts for Ableton, and something I've struggled quite a bit was debugging them.
OpenIt's a personal thing, usually when I code, especially in an environment that I don't know, I need to debug it to understand what's behind the curtain.
Anyway, how?
I've used remote pdb, here's what you have to do in order to use it [Windows]:

Open Ableton In Terminal 10

  • Pip install remote_pdb in Ableton Remote Scripts folder
create any virtual environment with python 2.7, or use your system interpreter and run the following command: The target folder is your Midi Remote Scripts folder.
This will install remote_pdb and make it accessible in your remote scripts.
  • Enable telnet in Windows.
Open your control panel, click Programs, click Turn WIndows Features On/Off.
Look for Telnet, enable it. This will allow you to connect to the pdb process in Ableton.
  • The following point is my own pattern, you can do this differently. I created a singleton class which runs the connection listener. This has to be done ONCE, or the process will get stuck and you'll have to use a different terminal each time you run the connection listener creation. The singleton pattern creates the listener just once time in a Debugger singleton class, that you can later on access quickly.

Open Ableton In Terminal

Code: Select all

  • Set your breakpoints.
In your code, set your breakpoints in the following way:Remember, Debugger is the singleton class we created in the previous point, so you'll have to import it from wherever you created it.
  • Run Ableton, and open a terminal window.
Once Ableton loads, if you select your remote midi script, as soon as it hits the breakpoint the Ableton process should freeze.
This is normal, as the process is awaiting on the python debugger connection.
In your terminal, run the following command:

Code: Select all

Open Ableton In Terminal 9

Check pdb page for the commands, few of them quickly:
  • n: Next line of code

Open Ableton In Terminal 2

  • s: Step inside code
  • c: continue to next breakpoint.

Open Ableton In Terminal 2

  • w: shows a traceback around the current line of code.
AbletonHopefully this helped someone.